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A Detailed Guide to AP Biology



The Advanced Placement Program offers 38 courses, and the AP Biology exam is among the most popular. In 2019, 260,816 students took the AP Biology exam. Most students take the AP Biology exam in grade 11 or 12 ; the scores remain valid until you start college. Indian students planning to pursue their undergraduate studies in countries like Australia, Canada, Singapore, the U.K., the U.S., and others can receive university credit or even preference based on AP Exam scores during admission. This blog will discuss AP Biology, its course details, exam structure, and more.

A Detailed Guide to AP Biology
Image Source: Youtube

About the Course

In the AP Biology course, you will learn about the core scientific principles, theories, and processes that govern living organisms and biological systems. You'll engage in hands-on laboratory work to investigate natural phenomena. Through this course, you will develop skills such as designing experiments and procedures to test a prediction or theory, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting data to conclude, and developing and supporting a scientific claim with evidence.

How to Sign Up for AP Biology

  1. Check with Your School: Verify if your school offers the AP Biology course. Not all schools offer every AP course.

  2. AP Conversation Starter: Download and fill out the AP Conversation Starter on the official College Board website.

  3. Consult Your Counselor or Teacher: Discuss how to sign up or prepare for the course with your counselor or teacher.

Joining Your AP Classes Online

  1. Get a Join Code: Your AP teacher will provide you with a unique code for each AP class.

  2. Sign In to My AP: Use your College Board login information. This login is used to access your AP and PSAT/NMSQT scores or register for the SAT. If you've never had a College Board account, create one via the Sign Up link.

  3. Join a Course: Click the "Join a Course or Exam" button.

  4. Enter Join Code: Input the join code your teacher gave you and click Submit.

  5. Verify Course Information: Ensure the information matches your course. If correct, click Yes.

  6. Provide Additional Information: If this is your first time joining a class, you'll need to provide some additional information, a one-time requirement.

About the Exam

The AP Biology exam is divided into Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and Free-Response Questions (FRQs).

  1. Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  • Choose 1 of 4–5 answer choices for each question.

  • Your total exam score on the multiple-choice section is based only on the number of questions answered correctly. No points are deducted for incorrect answers or unanswered questions.

  1. Free-Response Questions (FRQs):

  • You must generate responses, including essays, solutions to problems, or spoken responses.

AP 2025 Exam Dates

The 2025 AP Exams will be administered over two weeks in May: May 5–9 and May 12–16. The exam for AP Biology is scheduled for May 5.

Recommended Prerequisite

High school courses in biology and chemistry are recommended before taking AP Biology.


AP Biology is a challenging but rewarding course that allows students to delve deeply into the principles of biology while gaining valuable laboratory experience. Students can earn college credit and strengthen their college applications by successfully completing this course and exam. Whether planning to study in the U.S. or abroad, AP Biology can be a significant stepping stone in your academic journey.

We know and understand that the application process can be overwhelming, so we are here for you. The study abroad experts at Hello Study Global are there for you every step of the way. From preparing for entrance exams to college applications, we will guide you to success.

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