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Everything you need to know about the GMAT Focus edition



In today's rapidly evolving world of graduate business programs, the GMAT Focus Edition has emerged as a pivotal tool for assessing and attracting a diverse pool of candidates committed to pursuing a business degree. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the key aspects of the GMAT Focus Edition, including its purpose, structure, content, features, and scoring system.

Everything you need to know about the GMAT Focus edition
Source : Google

Purpose and Evolution

The GMAT Focus Edition is a revamped version of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), specifically designed to meet the changing demands of business schools and candidates. Developed in collaboration with leading business schools and prospective students, this edition aims to predict a candidate's potential for success not only in the classroom but also in the dynamic business landscape.

Key Features

  • Predictive Validity: The GMAT Focus Edition boasts a significantly improved ability to predict a candidate's success in business school when compared to the GRE General Test.

  • Relevant Skill Assessment: Recognizing the increasing demand for data analytics skills in the business world, this edition assesses skill sets such as data literacy.

Important Dates

  • Registration is now open.

  • Testing begins on November 7, 2023.

  • The GMAT Exam will remain available until early 2024 to accommodate candidates in the midst of their preparation and business school applications.

Exam Structure

The GMAT Focus Edition sets itself apart through its simplified format, comprising merely three sections, totaling 64 questions, and excluding a writing assessment. It marks the shortest GMAT exam ever, with a duration of just 2 hours and 15 minutes, encompassing solely three sections and 64 questions. Let's take a closer look at the examination's structure:

  • Quantitative Reasoning: 45 minutes, 21 questions, assessing problem-solving skills.

  • Verbal Reasoning: 45 minutes, 23 questions, assessing critical reasoning and reading comprehension skills.

  • Data Insights: 45 minutes, 20 questions, assessing data literacy skills.

Exam Scores and Percentiles

The GMAT Focus Edition introduces a new scoring system with a focus on percentile rankings. Here's an overview of the key changes:

  • Total Score Range: GMAT Focus Edition: 205–805, GMAT Exam: 200–800.

  • Section Scores: Scores are now based on all three sections equally weighted toward the Total Score.

GMAT Focus Total Score Percentiles
Source : Google

Percentile rankings are essential for understanding a candidate's competitiveness. A percentile ranking indicates what percentage of test takers a candidate has outperformed. The new scoring scale reflects changes in the test-taking population and allows schools to better differentiate candidate performance.


The GMAT Focus Edition represents an evolution of the GMAT exam, aligning with the evolving needs of business schools and candidates. Its predictive validity, focus on relevant skills, and revamped scoring system make it a valuable tool for both schools and prospective business students. As the GMAT Focus Edition becomes available, candidates and institutions alike can prepare and adapt to this innovative approach to graduate business admissions.

We know and understand that the application process can be overwhelming, so we are here for you. The study abroad experts at Hello Study Global are there for you every step of the way. From preparing for entrance exams to college applications, we will guide you to success.

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